The National Sickle Cell Advocacy Network (NSCAN) is a national network of patients and families looking to advocate, educate and help people living with or who are affected by sickle cell disease. We know that there is immeasurable strength in numbers. Collectively, our goal is to ensure that those affected by sickle cell disease know that they are not alone.

With the help from our community-based organizations, we have created a strong network that includes caregivers, clinicians, stakeholders and experts. Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. (SCDAA) seeks to  increase its network to include more individuals that have the energy and drive to recruit others and increase advocacy and awareness within the sickle cell community!

Click here to learn more about our advocacy efforts and campaigns.

The role of NSCAN members include the following:
Promote Awareness for the importance of finding an affordable cure to those suffering with Sickle Cell Disease
Inspire community support by keeping the public informed of SCDAA programs, news and events
Offer assistance in strengthening the community.
Navigate valuable information to other networks dedicated to continuous medical, program, advocacy and research
Educate other Advocates, patients and families on the importance of understanding the effects of Sickle CellDisease
Encourage legislative, community and corporate advocacy for those consumers and families affected by Sickle Cell Disease and;
Raise funds and/or awareness to further the mission of SCDAA’s national programs and efforts

For more information about how you can join NSCAN, please contact